So I've moved to southampton to study a BA in Graphic design. and so i am enjoying it. We went on a trip to amsterdam and were told we have to create 2 double page spreads on the given locations (mine was the tuschinski cinema) but we were allowed to stray off topic if we felt it was necessary. So i brought a 35mm slr camera with me to get all my photos. mostly down to the fact i don't have any other camera. But because i took so many photos with this method i unfortunately lost many many potentially awesome photos which broke my heart.
As i spent alot of the trip taking photos i felt that i should use one of the black and white ones that i shot on ilford xp5. as for the layout i wanted to keep it simple with the typography on the left while still giving room for the body copy
this is my more simple modern layout. i like this style and i think it compliments how amsterdam is. As it comes across clean and thought out which is sort of like the city.
just getting some ideas down here as potential titles playing about with different fonts seeing how they work together.