Thursday, 21 March 2013

Too ill to get out of bed? I'll make posters.

After deciding i don't want to leave my bed today i then realised i can't sit here in silence for the next 12 hours doing nothing. So i decided it make some minimalist posters for a few of my favourite electronic artists.

I Started with The Orb. for the background i used a photo of the sky which i then created a bitmap layer which i multiplied on top if it.This is what inspired the font choice of "CHEESE PIZZA" I also chose circles for the obvious reason that its a poster for "The Orb".

Once again following the same style here but instead using yellow triangles. I thought these would relate well to flying lotus and they have a very mystic sound to them which i feel could be related to pyramids and ancient civilisation. 

As a big fan of Boards of Canada i am aware they have a song called turquoise hexagon sun. So i instantly thought of this when i was trying to think of a shape to represent them.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The adventures of a sleepy orange

Heres a comic i made yesterday about an orange is space. The idea came from when i was eating the largest orange i've ever come across. Jokes were thrown around about it having its own centre of gravity and the thought of it in space stuck in my mind, So i just had to get it visualised. I enjoyed trying this Benday dot style and i think ill use it again. In my eyes this was a success!